miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2008

International Forum Opened (English)

So Young Guns is from now on a Blog and also a discussion Forum. And in this Forum you will find an International section where people from all the world can talk about their favourite bands.

You just have to register. It´s free. How can you do it?. Follow these steps.

To your right you will find a section called "Enter the Forum". Just right there is the banner of "Foro Young Guns". If you press on it, you´ll get to the Forum.

When you enter the Forum you find this as it appears in this pic. If you pay attention to the red signals, on the right top corner there´s a button which says "Nuevo Usuario", which means "New User". You must press it.

You will access to this screen, where they talk about terms and conditions. They offer you two options. Choose the first one, the one which says "Estoy de acuerdo con estas condiciones", which means you agree on the terms.

You will have then to fill in this form. Besides the Spanish words I have added the translation into English, so you can fill in quickly. Remember two points. First one, untick "Recibir boletín semanal de noticias miarroba.com" and "Recibir promociones y consejos por email". That is about advertising, so if you leave it ticked, they will spam you.

Second, tick where it says "Acepto los términos y condiciones de uso del servicio", which means you accept the terms.

When you have finished filling the form, press where it says "Continuar", on the right down corner.

You will see this screen. It´s to activate your account. Forget about it and go to your mail inbox.

In your mail inbox you will find this email from robot@miarroba, check the spam box just in case. Remember to take the code where it says "Código de activación", it´s to activate your account. Press where it says youngguns.mforos.com/activate-user/ and it will take you to the activation screen.

You will be back here. First box is for your nick. Second one, "Contraseña", is for your password. Third one is for your Activation Code, given in the email. And then security code. When you finish, press where it says "Activar cuenta".

Now you´re logged in. If you scroll down the screen, you will find the International Forum. There, you´ll have all same topics we got in the Spanish one but in English.
Enjoy it.

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