jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011

Jack's Mannequin released album "People And Things" last 4 October 2011 (English)

Jack's Mannequin released their latest album "People And Things" last 4 October 2011. You can find it in several editions :

Standard Edition

1. My Racing Thoughts
2. Release Me
3. Television
4. Amy, I
5. Hey Hey Hey (We're All Gonna Die)
6. People, Running
7. Amelia Jean
8. Platform Fire
9. Hostage
10. Restless Dream
11. Casting Lines

iTunes & Go Merch Edition

1. My Racing Thoughts
2. Release Me
3. Television
4. Amy, I
5. Hey Hey Hey (We're All Gonna Die)
6. People, Running
7. Amelia Jean
8. Platform Fire
9. Hostage
10. Restless Dream
11. Casting Lines
12. No Man Is an Island
13. Ten Days Gone
14. Dancing with a Gun
15. Broken Bird

Best Buy Edition

1. My Racing Thoughts
2. Release Me
3. Television
4. Amy, I
5. Hey Hey Hey (We're All Gonna Die)
6. People, Running
7. Amelia Jean
8. Platform Fire
9. Hostage
10. Restless Dream
11. Casting Lines
12. Out of It (Passenger Demonstration Tape)
13. Locked Doors (Transit Demonstration Tape)
14. Keep Rising (Passenger Demonstration Tape)

Japanese Edition

1. My Racing Thoughts
2. Release Me
3. Television
4. Amy, I
5. Hey Hey Hey (We're All Gonna Die)
6. People, Running
7. Amelia Jean
8. Platform Fire
9. Hostage
10. Restless Dream
11. Casting Lines
12. Ten Days Gone

Listen to it here!

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