FROM MARK, TOM AND TRAVIS: It is with heavy hearts that we have to announce our planned 2011 European Summer tour has been rescheduled. When we booked the tour last year, we were confident that we would have the new album out before the Summer. Turns out wewere mistaken as the album is taking longer than we thought and won't be outtill later this year. We hoped we wouldhave some new songs to play rather than do another 'greatest hits tour' whichyou all saw last Summer. As much as weknow our fans would be cool with that, we feel that we owe you guys somethingnew when you spend your money to come see us. Frankly, it's what needs tocontinue for us to remain vital. Thethree of us are working very hard to do what we set out to do when were-formed...get a new blink-182 album recorded. Apologies to all of our fans who have bought tickets and were lookingforward to the Summer shows but we'll be back soon with the rescheduled datesin Summer 2012, have a new album out and be able to play new songs for you all.Thanks for all of the continued support and understanding. The rescheduled dates are on ourwebsite ( and are listed below.
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