lunes, 31 de diciembre de 2012

Cute Is What We Aim For - There's A Class For This

Ellos son Cute Is What We Aim For y éste es su "There's A Class For This".

What you got now gotta, gotta give it up
What you got now gotta, gotta give it up
What you got now, what you got now

We keep ourselves a mystery
But we provide, provide the clues
So the rest is up to you
And don't forget to check the obvious
We are so serious
So I guess it all comes down to how curious you can be

What you got now gotta, gotta give it up
What you got now gotta, gotta give it up
What you got now, what you got now

Drama doesn't follow me it rides on my back
I may be ugly but they sure love to stare
Drama doesn't follow me it rides on my back
I may be ugly but they sure, they sure, love to stare

And you check labels more than the FCC
And these calories are, are killing me
But this is a sticky situation
So keep your chest in the game
And drop your jaw and coax me

What you got now gotta, gotta give it up
What you got now gotta, gotta give it up
What you got now, what you got now

Drama doesn't follow me it rides on my back
I may be ugly but they sure love to stare
Drama doesn't follow me it rides on my back
I may be ugly but they sure, they sure

This is a party without the people
This is a show without the sounds
This is a dance without the steps
Now I gave you the clues, so find what I've found
This is a party without the people
This is a show without the sounds
Now I gave you the clues, so find what I've found

Drama doesn't follow me it rides on my back
I may be ugly but they sure love to stare
Drama doesn't follow me it rides on my back
I may be ugly but they sure love to stare

Cute Is What We Aim For - There's A Class For This (English)

They are Cute Is What We Aim For and this is their "There's A Class For This".

What you got now gotta, gotta give it up
What you got now gotta, gotta give it up
What you got now, what you got now

We keep ourselves a mystery
But we provide, provide the clues
So the rest is up to you
And don't forget to check the obvious
We are so serious
So I guess it all comes down to how curious you can be

What you got now gotta, gotta give it up
What you got now gotta, gotta give it up
What you got now, what you got now

Drama doesn't follow me it rides on my back
I may be ugly but they sure love to stare
Drama doesn't follow me it rides on my back
I may be ugly but they sure, they sure, love to stare

And you check labels more than the FCC
And these calories are, are killing me
But this is a sticky situation
So keep your chest in the game
And drop your jaw and coax me

What you got now gotta, gotta give it up
What you got now gotta, gotta give it up
What you got now, what you got now

Drama doesn't follow me it rides on my back
I may be ugly but they sure love to stare
Drama doesn't follow me it rides on my back
I may be ugly but they sure, they sure

This is a party without the people
This is a show without the sounds
This is a dance without the steps
Now I gave you the clues, so find what I've found
This is a party without the people
This is a show without the sounds
Now I gave you the clues, so find what I've found

Drama doesn't follow me it rides on my back
I may be ugly but they sure love to stare
Drama doesn't follow me it rides on my back
I may be ugly but they sure love to stare

lunes, 24 de diciembre de 2012

My Chemical Romance - The Light Behind Your Eyes

Ellos son My Chemical Romance y éste es su "The Light Behind Your Eyes".

So long to all of my friends
Everyone of them met tragic ends
With every passing day
I’d be lying if I didn’t say
That I miss them all tonight
And if they only knew what I would say
If I could be with you tonight
I would sing you to sleep
Never let them take the light behind your eyes
One day, I’ll lose this fight

As we fade in the dark, just remember you will always burn as

Be strong, and hold my hand
Time becomes for us, you’ll understand
We’ll say goodbye today
And we’re sorry how it all ends this way
If you promise not to cry, then I will tell you just
What I would say
If I could be with you tonight
I would sing you to sleep
Never let them take the light behind your eyes
I’ll fail and lose this fight
Never fade in the dark
Just remember that you will always burn as bright
The light behind your eyes
The light behind your
Sometimes we must grow stronger and
You can’t be stronger in the dark
When I’m here, no longer, you must be stronger
And if I could be with you tonight
I would sing you to sleep
Never let them take the light behind your eyes
I failed and lost this fight
Never fade in the dark
Just remember you will always burn as bright

The light behind your eyes
The light behind your eyes
The light behind your eyes
The light behind your eyes

The light behind

My Chemical Romance - The Light Behind Your Eyes (English)

They are My Chemical Romance and this is their "The Light Behind Your Eyes".

So long to all of my friends
Everyone of them met tragic ends
With every passing day
I’d be lying if I didn’t say
That I miss them all tonight
And if they only knew what I would say
If I could be with you tonight
I would sing you to sleep
Never let them take the light behind your eyes
One day, I’ll lose this fight

As we fade in the dark, just remember you will always burn as

Be strong, and hold my hand
Time becomes for us, you’ll understand
We’ll say goodbye today
And we’re sorry how it all ends this way
If you promise not to cry, then I will tell you just
What I would say
If I could be with you tonight
I would sing you to sleep
Never let them take the light behind your eyes
I’ll fail and lose this fight
Never fade in the dark
Just remember that you will always burn as bright
The light behind your eyes
The light behind your
Sometimes we must grow stronger and
You can’t be stronger in the dark
When I’m here, no longer, you must be stronger
And if I could be with you tonight
I would sing you to sleep
Never let them take the light behind your eyes
I failed and lost this fight
Never fade in the dark
Just remember you will always burn as bright

The light behind your eyes
The light behind your eyes
The light behind your eyes
The light behind your eyes

The light behind

sábado, 22 de diciembre de 2012

Blink 182 public su nuevo EP "Dogs Eating Dogs" el 18 de Diciembre de 2012

El grupo de punk Blink 182 acaba de publicar un EP con el título de "Dogs Eating Dogs" el pasado 18 de Diciembre de 2012. Mientras están en proceso de grabar el que será su nuevo disco de estudio, el trío ha conseguido reunir cinco temas nuevos que harán las delicias de sus seguidores.

Este EP es el primer trabajo que publican por su cuenta una vez que abandonaron su discográfica Interscope.

1. When I Was Young - 3:28
2. Dogs Eating Dogs - 3:30
3. Disaster - 3:42
4. Boxing Day - 3:59
5. Pretty Little Girl (featuring Yelawolf) - 4:21

Blink 182 released new EP last 18 December 2012 (English)

Punk band Blink 182 has just released a new EP "Dogs Eating Dogs" last 18 December 2012. While they're already working on their next studio album, the trio has just been able to gather five new songs which will surely amaze their fans.

The EP is their first self-release since they parted ways with ther discography Interscope.

1. When I Was Young - 3:28
2. Dogs Eating Dogs - 3:30
3. Disaster - 3:42
4. Boxing Day - 3:59
5. Pretty Little Girl (featuring Yelawolf) - 4:21

viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2012

Young Guns Music entrevista a 5 Seconds Of Summer

¿Alguna vez habéis oído hablar de 5 Seconds Of Summer? Si es la primera vez que escuchas este nombre, ten por seguro que no va a ser la última.

5 Seconds Of Summer es un cuarteto de punk-pop/pop-rock de Australia compuesto por cuatro jóvenes de entre 16 y 18 años. Como muchos otros grupos, comenzaron en esto subiendo a YouTube videos de sus covers de sus temas favoritos. 4 millones de visitas después y dos EPs publicados, se encuentran en Londres componiendo lo que será su primer disco.

Hemos tenido la oportunidad de entrevistar a Michael y preguntarle por el presente y el futuro del grupo. Aquí tenéis lo que nos ha contado :

Young Guns Music : En primer lugar, muchas gracias chicos por permitidnos entrevistaros. Como muchos de nuestros lectores estarán escuchando vuestro nombre por primera vez, ¿quiénes son 5 Seconds Of Summer y cómo empezó este proyecto?

5 Seconds Of Summer : ¡Un placer!. ¡Muchas gracias por tenernos aquí!. Somos un grupo de pop rock de cuatro componentes que venimos de Sidney, todos amigos o compañeros del colegio y prácticamente comenzó subiendo versiones a YouTube.

YGM : Vuestros primeros pasos fueron subiendo versiones de vuestros temas favoritos a YouTube. ¿En algún momento esperasteis tener millones de visitas y un primer disco en camino?

5SOS : ¡Qué va! Si miras la calidad de las versiones que subimos, jamás pensamos que iban a tener tantas visitas como tuvieron... Pensábamos tener un par nada más...Jaja.

YGM : Por las canciones que versionáis podemos hacernos una idea de vuestro gusto musical pero ¿qué grupos o cantantes os inspiran?

5SOS : Nuestras principales influencias musicales son tipo All Time low, Blink 182, Busted, Green Day, Boys like Girls y similares. Pero también hacemos versiones de pop a nuestra manera.

YGM : ¿Qué canciones os gustaría versionar en un futuro próximo?

5SOS : ¡Estamos dispuestos a versionar cualquier tema que los fans quieran escuchar! Versionamos temas que alcanzan el top 40, otros antiguos y canciones no muy conocidas de grupos que nos encantan.

YGM : Vuestro primer EP, el Unplugged EP, alcanzó el número 3 en las listas de ventas de iTunes en Australia pese a ser vuestro primer trabajo. Suponemos que debe ser increible para alguien tan joven como vosotros el darse cuenta de que vuestra música tiene tanta aceptación en vuestro propio país. ¿Cómo os quedasteis al saberlo?

5SOS : Sí, fue increible que algo así nos pasara a nosotros. Es una sensación increible, es difícil de decir cómo fue nuestra reacción. Nunca pensamos que estaríamos donde estamos ahora pero es gracias a toda la gente que nos apoya.

YGM : Si tuvierais que descubrir vuestra música a alguien que nunca os haya escuchado y convencerle de seguiros, ¿cómo lo haríais?

5SOS : Es pop rock con guitarras distorsionadas, batería y juegos vocales. Les daría una galleta por escucharnos.

YGM : Ya habéis tenido ocasión de ser teloneros de grupos como Hot Chelle Rae. ¿Cuál fue la reacción del público con vosotros?. ¿De qué grupos os gustaría ser teloneros en un futuro?

5SOS : Fue una experiencia increible, son una gente tan sencilla y realmente centrada en su carrera, un ejemplo para cualquiera de lo que debe ser un músico. Creo que al público le gustamos...espero jaja. Vimos incluso algún póster de 5SOS por ahí, así que fue realmente bonito. Nos encantaría telonear a cualquier grupo que vieniera a Australia pero mientras sigamos en Londres será un poco complicado jaja.

YGM : Ya habéis publico vuestro primer single, "Out Of My Limit" y el proyecto del primer disco está en marcha. 2013 tiene pinta de ser un año intenso para 5 Seconds Of Summer. ¿Qué podemos esperar en los próximos meses?

5SOS : ¡Sí! Estamos trabajando en nuestro primer disco justo ahora, yo de hecho acabo de llegar a casa de componer y grabar jaja. Va a ser un año bastante intenso para nosotros pero lo estamos deseando y va a ser increible. Quizás otro single en breve pero de momento estamos bastante concentrados en tener nuevos temas para nuestro disco.

YGM : Aunque estéis aún empezando a componer para vuestro primer disco, ¿qué nos podéis adelantar del mismo?. ¿Seguirá los pasos de vuestro EP "Somewhere New?.

5SOS : Va a mostrar bastante de nuestras habilidades musicales, algunas balladas, algunos temas punk más rápidos y muchas cosas intermedias. Totalmente, pero más grande y mejor.

YGM : Además de estar en el grupo, ¿cómo es vuestra vida diaria?. ¿Qué otras cosas os gustan además de la música?

5SOS : Yo soy un fanático de los juegos y de dormir...jaja. En mi tiempo libre hago eso prácticamente todo el día, incluso dejé el colegio para hacerlo a tiempo completo. Ashton acaba de terminar el colegio, Luke todavía va y Calum lo dejó como yo. Pero mientras estamos en Londres prácticamente todo lo que hacemos es componer y grabar.

YGM : Cuando tuvimos ocasión de entrevistar a Jenna de Tonight Alive antes de que fueran a Estados Unidos le preguntamos si este viaje era un sueño hecho realidad. Unos meses después estaban tocando en el Warped Tour. ¿Cuáles son vuestras expectativas para dentro de unos años?. ¿Estados Unidos?. ¿Europa?

5SOS : Bueno, no estoy seguro ahora mismo, todavía estamos luchando por sonar en todo el mundo. Nos encantaría triunfar en el mercado británico ahora que estamos aquí, pero Australia será nuestra prioridad número 1 en todo lo que hagamos.

YGM : ¿Ha cambiado el éxito vuestras vidas?. ¿Alguna buena anécdota sobre ello?

5SOS : Bueno, no es como si nos hubiésemos convertido en el grupo más famoso del mundo pero ser conocidos es genial. Tiene sus cosas buenas y malas. La mayoría buenas.

YGM : Si los fans siempre son imprescindibles para un grupo, para aquellos que tenéis un seguimiento masivo por parte de las chicas debe ser incluso más constante : conciertos con todas las entradas vendidas, por encima de 40.000 seguidores en Twitter... ¿Cómo es vuestra relación con vuestras fans y cómo os lleváis con ellas?

5SOS : Jaja totalmente. Somos algo así como muy buenos amigos de nuestras fans y tratamos de devolverles tanto como podemos de todo lo que recibimos, porque o estaríamos con ellas. Es un tipo de relación sí, pero una buena jaja.

YGM : Muchas gracias chicos por contestar nuestras preguntas y por vuestra amabilidad. Os deseamos lo mejor y esperamos estar ahí para verlo. Para terminar, ¿a quién os gustaría dar las gracias y qué le diríais a vuestras fans en todo el mundo?

5SOS : ¡Ha sido un placer! Muchas gracias por tenernos aquí. No sé a quién más agradecer además de a todos los que nos apoyan, lo significa todo para nosotros. ¡Gracias de nuevo! x

Podéis visitar nuestra web para el grupo pinchando aquí :

Young Guns Music interviews 5 Seconds Of Summer (English)

Have you heard about 5 Seconds Of Summer? If you have not and this is the first time, it will surely not be the last!

5 Seconds Of Summer is a four piece punk-pop/pop-rock band from Sidney composed of four young guys aged between 16 and 18. They started as many other bands covering their favourite songs on Youtube and 4 millon visits to them later and two EPs released they are now in London songwriting what will be their first long length.

We've had the chance to interview Michael about their present and future plans for the band. Here you have :

Young Guns Music : First of all, thanks a lot guys for being able to attend this interview. As many of our readers will know from you for the first time, who are 5 Seconds Of Summer and how did the project start?

5 Seconds Of Summer : It's my pleasure! thanks for having us on here! We're a 4 piece pop rock band from Sydney, and we all came together through school and friends, and it really kicked off for us when we started doing covers on youtube.

YGM : Your first steps came when posting on Youtube your covers from famous songs. Did you ever expected to come up with million visits and a long length on its way?

5SOS : Not at all! if you see the quality of the covers we uploaded, we really had no idea it was going to get as many views as it did.. We just hoped it would get a couple.. Haha.

YGM : As from the songs you use to cover we can make an idea of your taste for music but which bands or singers inspire you?

5SOS : Our main influences are kind of All Time low, Blink 182, Busted, Green Day, Boys like Girls and stuff. but we do pop covers and make them our own.

YGM : Which other songs are you willing to cover in a near future?

5SOS : We're willing to cover whatever our fans will like online! We cover stuff in the top 40, older stuff and non-mainstream songs from bands that we love.

YGM : Your first EP, the Unplugged EP, reached number 3 on the Australian iTunes chart being your first release. We imagine that it must be amazing for someone as young as you are to realize that your music is so widely love throughout your home country. How did you react to it?

5SOS : Yeah it was pretty crazy for that to happen to us! The feeling is incredible, it's really hard to say how we reacted. We really had no idea we would ever be where we are now, but I guess its all thanks to the people who support us.

YGM : For someone who has never listened to your music how would you describe your sound and how would you convince them to listen to it?

5SOS : It's pop rock with distorted guitars, live drums and heaps of layered vocals. I'd give them a cookie to listen to us

YGM : You’ve already experienced to open for a great band as Hot Chelle Rae. How did you feel the audience’s reaction to your music? Which bands would you love to open for in a near future?

5SOS : It was such an amazing experience, they're such down to earth guys and really focused on their careers, their total inspirations as a musician to look up to. Well I think the audience liked us.. I hope haha. We saw a couple of 5sos posters out there, so that was really nice. We'd love to open for anyone who we like if they come down to australia, but while we're in london that would be hard haha.

YGM : You’ve got your first single released, “Out Of My Limit” and the project of your first length ready to start. 2013 seems to be an intense year for 5 Seconds Of Summer. What can we expect for next months?

5SOS : Yeah! we're working on our first album at the moment, i literally just got home from writing and recording! lol. It's gonna be a pretty full-on year for us, but we're looking forward to it and it's gonna be awesome. Maybe another single soon, but at the moment we're pretty focused on getting the material together for our album!

YGM : Although you’re about to start songwriting your first album, what can you advance us of it? Will it follow the steps of “Somewhere New”?

5SOS : It's gonna show a heap of different sides of our musical abilities, with some slow songs, some faster punkier stuff and a whole lot more inbetween. Totally, but it'll be bigger and better!

YGM : Besides being a band, how’s a normal day in your life? What other things do you enjoy apart from playing music?

5SOS : I'm an avid gamer and sleeper.. haha. in my off times I pretty much just did those all day, I dropped out of school to do this full time. Ashton just finished school, Luke is still going with it and Calum dropped out with me; but while we're here in London we're pretty much flat out doing writing and recording each day.

YGM : When we had the chance to interview Jenna from Tonight Alive before they visited the US we asked her if this trip was a dream coming true. Some months later they were playing the Warped Tour. What are your expectations in a couple of years? The US? Europe?

5SOS : Well we're not too sure at the moment in time, we're still trying to break around the world. We'd love to break into a market in the UK now that we're here, but for us Australia will always be our #1 priority in whatever we do.

YGM : Has success changed your life anyway? Is there any good anecdote about it?

5SOS : Well I mean it's not like we're the biggest band in the world, but from having the recognition we've had has been great. It comes with its ups and downs. Mainly ups.

YGM : If fans are essential for any band, for those as yours with such a massive female audience backing you up their support must be even more amazing : sold out shows, more than 40k followers on Twitter… How’s your relationship with your fans and how do you deal with them?

5SOS : Haha totally. We're kind of best friends with our fans, and we try to give back as much as we can to them, cause we'd obviously be no where without them. It's sort of a relationship, but a good one. Haha.

YGM : Thanks a lot guys for getting to answer these questions and for being so kind to us. We wish you the best and we’ll be there to enjoy it. Just to finish with, who would you like to thank and what would you say to your fans all over the world?

5SOS : My pleasure! Thanks so much for having us on your site! I don't know who to thank other then everyone supporting us, it means the world. Thank you again! x

You can visit our website for them here :

domingo, 9 de diciembre de 2012

The Never Ever - Breathe

Ellos son The Never Ever y éste es su "Breathe".

You've got the heart but I've got the heartbeat
I've got three words but I'm losing slowly
I take her hand but she tries to let go
I'm moving forward, she's moving too slow

You want diamonds, I don't need a best friend
I'm always trying, trying to forget
Answer me this, when you said forever
Did you take the for and replace it with never?

What would I know?
We're a heart attack waiting and the beat, it is racing
Breathe in just to leave me breathless
The world won't wait for the young and reckless
We're a heart attack waiting and the beat, it is racing
Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in just to leave me breathless

You're spinning lies, you speak them through clenched teeth
Take off your mask girl 'cause I see what's beneath
I'll never know what you'll never tell me
But I'll always see what you'll never show me

Breathe in, breathe out
Breathe in just to leave me breathless again

The Never Ever - Breathe (English)

They are The Never Ever and this is their "Breathe".

You've got the heart but I've got the heartbeat
I've got three words but I'm losing slowly
I take her hand but she tries to let go
I'm moving forward, she's moving too slow

You want diamonds, I don't need a best friend
I'm always trying, trying to forget
Answer me this, when you said forever
Did you take the for and replace it with never?

What would I know?
We're a heart attack waiting and the beat, it is racing
Breathe in just to leave me breathless
The world won't wait for the young and reckless
We're a heart attack waiting and the beat, it is racing
Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in just to leave me breathless

You're spinning lies, you speak them through clenched teeth
Take off your mask girl 'cause I see what's beneath
I'll never know what you'll never tell me
But I'll always see what you'll never show me

Breathe in, breathe out
Breathe in just to leave me breathless again

viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2012

Kieran Strange - Merry Undead Christmas

Ella es Kieran Strange y éste es su "Merry Undead Christmas".

It's Christmas Eve and I'm finding it hard to sleep
'Cuz if I close my eyes I know they'll come and find me
And they don't give a damn if you've been naughty or nice
And they ain't just gonna wait for you to make up your mind
So get out while you can

I never wanted an apocalypse
There ain't no zombies on my Christmas list
And I don't wanna say goodnight
When holiday madness comes breaking in
Go grab the shotgun from outta your stocking
And scream out loud
Merry Undead Christmas tonight!

So hush those bells 'cuz you're just gonna call 'em close
So they can kiss your throat under the mistletoe
They want your heart for Christmas and they're ripping it free
Like you're nothing but a present under the tree
And that ain't Santa at the door so you'd better run for sure

I never wanted an apocalypse
There ain't no zombies on my Christmas list
And I don't wanna say goodnight
When holiday madness comes breaking in
Go grab the shotgun from outta your stocking
And scream out loud
Merry Undead Christmas tonight!

I've never dreamt of a bright red Christmas Eve
So go and call up the angels as you're struggling the breathe

I gotta hold on, I gotta hold on
I gotta hold on, I gotta hold on
I gotta hold on, I gotta hold on
I promise I'll be better next year

I never wanted an apocalypse
There ain't no zombies on my Christmas list
And I don't wanna say goodnight
When holiday madness comes breaking in
Go grab the shotgun from outta your stocking
And scream out loud
Merry Undead Christmas tonight!

Kieran Strange - Merry Undead Christmas (English)

She's Kieran Strange and this is her "Merry Undead Christmas".

It's Christmas Eve and I'm finding it hard to sleep
'Cuz if I close my eyes I know they'll come and find me
And they don't give a damn if you've been naughty or nice
And they ain't just gonna wait for you to make up your mind
So get out while you can

I never wanted an apocalypse
There ain't no zombies on my Christmas list
And I don't wanna say goodnight
When holiday madness comes breaking in
Go grab the shotgun from outta your stocking
And scream out loud
Merry Undead Christmas tonight!

So hush those bells 'cuz you're just gonna call 'em close
So they can kiss your throat under the mistletoe
They want your heart for Christmas and they're ripping it free
Like you're nothing but a present under the tree
And that ain't Santa at the door so you'd better run for sure

I never wanted an apocalypse
There ain't no zombies on my Christmas list
And I don't wanna say goodnight
When holiday madness comes breaking in
Go grab the shotgun from outta your stocking
And scream out loud
Merry Undead Christmas tonight!

I've never dreamt of a bright red Christmas Eve
So go and call up the angels as you're struggling the breathe

I gotta hold on, I gotta hold on
I gotta hold on, I gotta hold on
I gotta hold on, I gotta hold on
I promise I'll be better next year

I never wanted an apocalypse
There ain't no zombies on my Christmas list
And I don't wanna say goodnight
When holiday madness comes breaking in
Go grab the shotgun from outta your stocking
And scream out loud
Merry Undead Christmas tonight!

jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2012

The Veronicas - Lolita (En acústico en Nova FM)

Ellas son The Veronicas y éste es su "Lolita" en acústico en Nova FM.

From the mouths of apes to the power of men
I make it all new again
Hold my hand, hold my hand cause I can't touch the ground
The carousel goes around, round and round
The addiction the friction, it burns you alive
So illegal, no evil is seen with these eyes
I won't tell if you won't and I will if you want
Nothings a sacred, don't care if it's wrong

I'm your Lolita, La Femme Nikita
When we're together, you'll love me forever
You're my possession, I'm your obsession
Don't tell me never, you'll love me forever

Doomed from the start, we can't stay apart
Everywhere I turn I'm trapped in your heart
There's no escape, secrets keep you awake
No running away, no saving the day
Wild and exciting I'm breaking you down
You're making a comeback, I'm taking your crown
Nursery rhymes I'm singing my dreams
I'm lost in the woods and you're baring your teeth

I'm your Lolita, La Femme Nikita
When we're together, you'll love me forever
You're my possession, I'm your obsession
Don't tell me never, You'll love me forever

Always stay close to me, don't think of leaving
And I promise, I will keep, our secret

I'm your Lolita, La Femme Nikita
When we're together, you'll love me forever
You're my possession, I'm your obsession
Don't tell me never, You'll love me forever

Always stay close to me, don't think of leaving
And I promise, I will keep, our secret

The Veronicas - Lolita (Acoustic at Nova FM) (English)

They are The Veronicas and this is their "Lolita" acoustic at Nova FM.

From the mouths of apes to the power of men
I make it all new again
Hold my hand, hold my hand cause I can't touch the ground
The carousel goes around, round and round
The addiction the friction, it burns you alive
So illegal, no evil is seen with these eyes
I won't tell if you won't and I will if you want
Nothings a sacred, don't care if it's wrong

I'm your Lolita, La Femme Nikita
When we're together, you'll love me forever
You're my possession, I'm your obsession
Don't tell me never, you'll love me forever

Doomed from the start, we can't stay apart
Everywhere I turn I'm trapped in your heart
There's no escape, secrets keep you awake
No running away, no saving the day
Wild and exciting I'm breaking you down
You're making a comeback, I'm taking your crown
Nursery rhymes I'm singing my dreams
I'm lost in the woods and you're baring your teeth

I'm your Lolita, La Femme Nikita
When we're together, you'll love me forever
You're my possession, I'm your obsession
Don't tell me never, You'll love me forever

Always stay close to me, don't think of leaving
And I promise, I will keep, our secret

I'm your Lolita, La Femme Nikita
When we're together, you'll love me forever
You're my possession, I'm your obsession
Don't tell me never, You'll love me forever

Always stay close to me, don't think of leaving
And I promise, I will keep, our secret

The Pretty Reckless - Only You

Ellos son The Pretty Reckless y éste es su "Only You".

Oh boy, have you seen my head?
I've lost my mind so I forget and
Oh boy, have you seen my heart?
It's beating so loud, I'm falling apart and

Only you can bring me back to life
Only you can put me into right
Tell me when I can breathe again

Oh boy, have you seen my hands?
I can't hold on and I don't understand why
Oh boy, have you seen my soul?
It's under the ground,
I'm out of control
Only you can bring me back to life
Only you can put me into right
Tell me when I can breathe again

Say you love me, true
Say you love me, true
Say you love me, true
Say you love me, true
Say you love me, true
Say you love me, true
Say you love me, true

Only you can bring me back to life
Only you can put me into right
Tell me when I can breathe again
I will arise

The Pretty Reckless - Only You (English)

They are The Pretty Reckless and this is their "Only You".

Oh boy, have you seen my head?
I've lost my mind so I forget and
Oh boy, have you seen my heart?
It's beating so loud, I'm falling apart and

Only you can bring me back to life
Only you can put me into right
Tell me when I can breathe again

Oh boy, have you seen my hands?
I can't hold on and I don't understand why
Oh boy, have you seen my soul?
It's under the ground,
I'm out of control
Only you can bring me back to life
Only you can put me into right
Tell me when I can breathe again

Say you love me, true
Say you love me, true
Say you love me, true
Say you love me, true
Say you love me, true
Say you love me, true
Say you love me, true

Only you can bring me back to life
Only you can put me into right
Tell me when I can breathe again
I will arise

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012

Rock Am Ring & Rock Im Park 2013

Rock Am Ring y Rock Im Park vuelven en 2013 con un gran cartel.

Paramore, A Day To Remember, Bullet For My Valentine, Green Day, Simple Plan o 30 Seconds To Mars serán algunos de los grupos que se reunirán entre el 7 y el 9 de Junio de 2013 en las localidades alemanas de Nürburgring y Nuremberg.

Rock Am Ring & Rock Im Park 2013 (English)

Rock Am Ring and Rock Im Park festivals will be back in 2013 with a great line-up.

Paramore, A Day To Remember, Bullet For My Valentine, Green Day, Simple Plan or 30 Seconds To Mars will be some of the bands which will gather between 7th and 9th June 2013 in Nürburgring and Nuremberg (Germany).